General use of the TELEMAC system

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This page describes the general use of the TELEMAC system in Geographical Sciences.

The TELEMAC system is installed centrally on "dylan". You will need to log into dylan to run TELEMAC jobs. Therefore it helps to practice a bit in a Linux environment. The Pragmatic Programming course might be a good place for this.

TELEMAC-2D, SISYPHE, ESTEL-2D and ESTEL-3D are available. More modules could be added if necessary. Just ask.

Environment set-up

It is very easy to configure the environment to use TELEMAC as you simply have to source central files. Simply add the following lines into your .bashrc configuration file, then log-out and back in again.

# Location of the TELEMAC system
export SYSTEL90

source $SYSTEL90/intel_env
source $SYSTEL90/config/systel_env

You should then be able to "see" the Fortran compiler and the programs of the TELEMAC system, for instance:

$ which telemac2d


Telemac-ed includes some test cases. Copy one into your filespace and run it:

$ cp -r /home/telemac/telemac2d/tel2d_v5p8/ .
$ cd hydraulic_jump
$ telemac2d cas.txt

If this works, you have a well configured enviroment. Now go and do some real work...

Parallel jobs

The TELEMAC is configured to run in parallel mode if requested by the user. This is actually a very simple thing to do and highly encouraged if you use large meshes and run long simulations. A few extra initial steps are required.

TELEMAC uses MPI for parallel operations. MPI requires a secret word in a hidden configuration file. Simply type the following instructions to create it. Note that "somethingsecret" below should contains no spaces.

$ cd
$ touch .mpd.conf
$ chmod 600 .mpd.conf
$ echo "MPD_SECRETWORD=somethingsecret " > .mpd.conf

Run the software once in scalar mode once to look at job duration, for instance:

$ cp -r /home/telemac/telemac2d/tel2d_v5p8/ .
$ cd cavity/
$ telemac2d cas.txt

The example above should run in about 55s on dylan. Now edit cas.txt so that the line about the number odf processors looks like:


Before you can run TELEMAC in parallel, you need to start the MPI daemon. This needs to be done once per login.

$ mpd &

Then, you can now run teleun telemac2d again:

$ telemac2d cas.txt

It should run again, faster, maybe 30 seconds or so. It is not a lot faster because it's a silly example and splitting the mesh in 8 subdomains accounts for a large part of the computation time.

Before you log out, it is a good idea to kill the MPI daemon:

$ mpdallexit