System messages
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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace.
Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.
Name | Default message text |
Current message text | |
uploadtext (talk) (Translate) | Use the form below to upload files. To view or search previously uploaded files go to the [[Special:FileList|list of uploaded files]], (re)uploads are also logged in the [[Special:Log/upload|upload log]], deletions in the [[Special:Log/delete|deletion log]]. To include a file in a page, use a link in one of the following forms: * <strong><code><nowiki>[[</nowiki>{{ns:file}}<nowiki>:File.jpg]]</nowiki></code></strong> to use the full version of the file * <strong><code><nowiki>[[</nowiki>{{ns:file}}<nowiki>:File.png|200px|thumb|left|alt text]]</nowiki></code></strong> to use a 200 pixel wide rendition in a box in the left margin with "alt text" as description * <strong><code><nowiki>[[</nowiki>{{ns:media}}<nowiki>:File.ogg]]</nowiki></code></strong> for directly linking to the file without displaying the file |
uploadvirus (talk) (Translate) | The file contains a virus! Details: $1 |
uploadwarning (talk) (Translate) | Upload warning |
uploadwarning-text (talk) (Translate) | Please modify the file description below and try again. |
uploadwarning-text-nostash (talk) (Translate) | Please re-upload the file, modify the description below and try again. |
user-mail-no-addy (talk) (Translate) | Tried to send email without an email address. |
user-mail-no-body (talk) (Translate) | Tried to send email with an empty or unreasonably short body. |
usercreated (talk) (Translate) | {{GENDER:$3|Created}} on $1 at $2 |
usercssispublic (talk) (Translate) | Please note: CSS subpages should not contain confidential data as they are viewable by other users. |
usercsspreview (talk) (Translate) | <strong>Remember that you are only previewing your user CSS. It has not yet been saved!</strong> |
usercssyoucanpreview (talk) (Translate) | <strong>Tip:</strong> Use the "{{int:showpreview}}" button to test your new CSS before saving. |
usereditcount (talk) (Translate) | $1 {{PLURAL:$1|edit|edits}} |
userexists (talk) (Translate) | Username entered already in use. Please choose a different name. |
userinvalidconfigtitle (talk) (Translate) | <strong>Warning:</strong> There is no skin "$1". Custom .css, .json, and .js pages use a lowercase title, e.g. {{ns:user}}:Foo/vector.css as opposed to {{ns:user}}:Foo/Vector.css. |
userjsdangerous (talk) (Translate) | Please note: Scripts included on this page will be run any time you load a page. Malicious code added here could result in account compromise. The code will be executed when you preview your changes to this page. |
userjsispublic (talk) (Translate) | Please note: JavaScript subpages should not contain confidential data as they are viewable by other users. |
userjsonispublic (talk) (Translate) | Please note: JSON subpages should not contain confidential data as they are viewable by other users. |
userjsonpreview (talk) (Translate) | <strong>Remember that you are only testing/previewing your user JSON config. It has not yet been saved!</strong> |
userjsonyoucanpreview (talk) (Translate) | <strong>Tip:</strong> Use the "{{int:showpreview}}" button to test your new JSON before saving. |
userjspreview (talk) (Translate) | <strong>Remember that you are only testing/previewing your user JavaScript. It has not yet been saved!</strong> |
userjsyoucanpreview (talk) (Translate) | <strong>Tip:</strong> Use the "{{int:showpreview}}" button to test your new JavaScript before saving. |
userlogin-createanother (talk) (Translate) | Create another account |
userlogin-helplink2 (talk) (Translate) | Help with logging in |
userlogin-joinproject (talk) (Translate) | Join {{SITENAME}} |
userlogin-loggedin (talk) (Translate) | You are already logged in as {{GENDER:$1|$1}}. Use the form below to log in as another user. |
userlogin-noaccount (talk) (Translate) | Don't have an account? |
userlogin-reauth (talk) (Translate) | You must log in again to verify that you are {{GENDER:$1|$1}}. |
userlogin-remembermypassword (talk) (Translate) | Keep me logged in |
userlogin-resetpassword-link (talk) (Translate) | Forgot your password? |
userlogin-signwithsecure (talk) (Translate) | Use secure connection |
userlogin-yourname (talk) (Translate) | Username |
userlogin-yourname-ph (talk) (Translate) | Enter your username |
userlogin-yourpassword (talk) (Translate) | Password |
userlogin-yourpassword-ph (talk) (Translate) | Enter your password |
userlogout (talk) (Translate) | Log out |
userlogout-continue (talk) (Translate) | Do you want to log out? |
userlogout-summary (talk) (Translate) | |
usermaildisabled (talk) (Translate) | User email disabled |
usermaildisabledtext (talk) (Translate) | You cannot send email to other users on this wiki |
usermessage-editor (talk) (Translate) | System messenger |
usermessage-summary (talk) (Translate) | Leaving system message. |
usermessage-template (talk) (Translate) | MediaWiki:UserMessage |
username (talk) (Translate) | {{GENDER:$1|Username}}: |
usernameinprogress (talk) (Translate) | An account creation for this user name is already in progress. Please wait. |
userpage-userdoesnotexist (talk) (Translate) | User account "$1" is not registered. Please check if you want to create/edit this page. |
userpage-userdoesnotexist-view (talk) (Translate) | User account "$1" is not registered. |
userrights (talk) (Translate) | User rights |
userrights-cannot-shorten-expiry (talk) (Translate) | You cannot bring forward the expiry of membership in group "$1". Only users with permission to add and remove this group can bring forward expiry times. |
userrights-changeable-col (talk) (Translate) | Groups you can change |
userrights-conflict (talk) (Translate) | Conflict of user rights changes! Please review and confirm your changes. |